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The page of Dindger  was seen  1 898  times.
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In tribute to
Born on :01/01/2001
left us on:25/09/2015
Fanfan66 do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Dindger
Fanfan66 do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Dindger
Fanfan66 do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Dindger
Fanfan66 do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Dindger

In tribute to Dindger

Au revoir ma Belle, tu vas beaucoup nous manquer, retrouve la haut notre Nénette partie il y a quelques années déjà...
que ton repos soit éternel...

Je t'aime !

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