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The page of Sara  was seen  3 113  times.
3 113 views
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In tribute to
Born on :14/02/1997
left us on:24/06/2005
miladi do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Sara
miladi do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Sara
miladi do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Sara
miladi do not accept messages, flowers, candles and votes on the page of Sara

In tribute to Sara

Ma belle Sara tu seras toujours dans mon coeur...Je t envoie de gros bizou la haut....

The photo album contains 2 pictures
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Notre belle Sara qui nous a rendu tellement heureux..Je t aime ma belle cocotte...
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sara avec son bonhomme de neige
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