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En hommage à
Il est né le:30/07/2000
Il nous a quittés le:07/07/2011

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En hommage à Mechis

Ten years of puppy paws moved outside today.
Inside my heart is breaking,
the Light of my Life - Mechis, has gone away.

I held her head, kissed her blurry eyes, and said "I Love You, my baby"
With gentle hands and heavy heart, I released her soul to God,
crying for her spirit to be free.
Never dreamed it would hurt so much,
Guess I wasn't thinking much of Me.

But she must be missing something,
she left her paws upon my heart.
Kind reminders of the time we had together,
I never wanted her to be the first to part.

They tug as fiercely as the shoestrings she once played with;
the tug of wars together, the one's I let her win.
The "tennies", the toys, all the things she loved speak about her passing
and I fall apart again.

Those little puppy "grunts" and kisses seem so far away.
I cry: "What was I thinking?
I said it'd be OK."

I said; "I'll be alright without you, If you really have to go.
No need for you to fret or worry,
we had our chance to love each other so."

Our final road together remains yet to be seen.
Puppy paws can be so gentle,
the pain they leave in passing, so mean.

"I'll hold them safely in my heart", I tell Her;
"but I'll let them run at will.
When we cross the Bridge together,
I know they will be still."

In Loving memory of my best friend and most faithful companion -
Mechis 07/30/00 - 07/07/11

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3 messages

Déposé par kiallan le 12/07/2011  
"La mort n’est rien
Je suis simplement passé dans la pièce à côté.
Je suis moi. Tu es toi. Ce que nous étions l’un pour l’autre, nous le sommes toujours. Donne-moi le nom que tu m’as toujours donné. Parle-moi comme tu l’as toujours fait. N’emploie pas de ton différent.
Ne prends pas un air solennel ou triste. Continue à rire de ce qui nous faisait vivre ensemble. Prie. Souris. Pense à moi. Prie pour moi. Que mon nom soit toujours prononcé à la maison comme il l’a toujours été. Sans emphase d’aucune sorte et sans trace d’ombre.
La vie signifie ce qu’elle a toujours signifié. Elle reste ce qu’elle a toujours été. Le fil n’est pas coupé. Pourquoi serais-je hors de ta pensée, Simplement parce que je suis hors de ta vue ? Je t’attends. Je ne suis pas loin. Juste de l’autre côté du chemin.",

Déposé par Lyson le 11/07/2011  
Rest in peace Mechis...

Déposé par Annie le 11/07/2011  
What a lovely poem Mechis! such loving and deep feelings...
I read it early in the morning and I cried... my own blurry eyes did not even allow me to write a few words, I came again a bit later and, stupid me, I read it again and... cry again.
Excuse me baby if the next time I come to see you I will not read it but just make a copy, I hope that the person you wrote it for you will not mind...
God bless you little pet, I cannot say anything else!

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