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La page de KIKA  our little angel a été vue  6 117  fois.
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En hommage à
KIKA our little angel

Il est né le:26/10/1994
Il nous a quittés le:29/11/2010

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En hommage à KIKA our little angel

Beloved Kika, we loved you the moment we saw you, and hope to have done everything in our power to make your life at least as happy as you made ours. To us you were always an angel. Now you are also a star, the brightest one. We will love you and miss you forever…your family

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39 messages

L'Album photo contient 13 photos
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Who's driving ?
My sister Inês. Ah ok I can sleep need to watch the road...
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Trip to the algarve
My dad made me a really nice bed. Didn't forget my pillow :)
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Sept10 - Holidays again
Hi Inês and mommy, now i'm resting, ok ?
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Maré's pillow....
this is my sister's high for me...
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me and my sister Bi
she is very childish, wants to play all the time. She is only 4 months old
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movie star
my sister Inês thinks i'm a movie star
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me and my sister Maré
we love each other very much
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at my mommy's birthday
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Me and my sister Inês
cozy cozy bed
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my pillow...:)
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In my onwer's bed
"my rubber baby"
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